Sunday, April 02, 2006

It's been a little while since my last post...

This is a pic of the sunset out of my 10th story window...I didn't do any coloration to this pic...this is just how pink it actually was...amazing.

Spring is arriving...and none too soon. It's the 2nd of april and I am only now can I leave my puffy jacket in the closet. I am begining to feel settled in here. I am meeting some new people and developing friendships. I've been going to an international church that has services in English. There are loads of international students who attend this church and its college ministry. I have been meeting new friends from all over the world...Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Iran, Turkey, Russia, the US,'s really great! Many languages and many more points of view...I absolutely love it.

I have really been wanting to meet people to play and create music with and today I got a couple of great opportunities.

I just met 3 Nigerian guys who sing together and have performed in church a couple of times. They have these great 3 part harmonies with a distinct African rythm. We are going to get togther to make music this on guitar and these guys singin'...this should be an interesting sound...I can't wait...

I also met some Ukrainians in the worship band. The bass player, Gena, doesn't really speak much English, but through some friends we mangaged to communicate. I had to leave my bass in the states and I really have been wanting to play, but have had to settle with practicing only on acousic guitar....which is great...but I loved bass first...

Anyway, Gena has TWO basses and happens to live about 5 mins. away from me. He also has some video bass lessons, some written method instructions, and sheet music....ALL in English...which he can't really understand! This is an amazing opportunity for he and I for seveal reasons:
1.) I will get to play bass...

2.) Not only will I get to play bass, but will have access to some great instruction materials.

3.) Gena and I will push each other to improve musically...and I can help him to understand the english material that he hasn't been able to get through.

4.) I will be forced to speak Russian. Gena speaks about as much English as I speak this is going to be a great opportunity for me to use the Russian that I have learned in a new situation.

We both love music and will have to struggle to communicate...but we will be talking about stuff that we are both passionate about. This is a great way of exercising and strengthening my language skillz...It's much easier to speak another language when you really want to communicate...especially if its something that you love to talk about! ROCK ON!

Thanks God for your great got every step of my journey lined up...this is sooo sweet!

I have also been helping out with some of the local english ministries in my free time. I spoke to a couple of classes at the linguistics university here. That was a cool opportunity...the english students had lots to tell me about Ukraine and had many questions about America. Most of which were asking if America was really like what they had seen on TV (i.e. Baywatch and the O.C.). I also help out with an English Movie and discussion club on friday nights. This has been a great opportunity to meet some really cool people and delve into some of the deeper themes of the movies we watch.

Well, I haven't posted any pics lately so here are a few:

Kiev is a great city...there are all sorts of things going on here all the time...including fire performers in the streets! This is on the main avenue downtown...A guy twirling 2 fireballs on chains while running through fire on the ground while his buddies played congas in the Ukrainian friends tell me that they are a "Fire" cult...

OK, so this pic is sideways...I have limited MB usage per month so I can't really re-upload it. Just turn your head. This was a time lapse photo, so the twirling fireballs look like streaks...and you can't really see the guy cause he wasn't emitting light.

Here, this may give you a better idea of what he was doing...

Ohh yeah, did I mention that I got my computer here now!! and for about 1/5 of the original shipping costs? A complete miracle...thanks for all your prayers!

Great people, pink days, fire on the streets, spring in the air, music on my mind and macintosh computers make for a great last couple of weeks...

Until the next episode,

P.S. THANK YOU SOOO MUCHO FOR THE CARE PACKAGES LIZ & LUCIE!!! The union jack boxers where a nice touch...ahh how I miss jolly ole' england and everyone at No.9...much love from Kiev!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

miss you bro

7:13 AM  

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