Monday, October 29, 2007

Ru's Rant

Here is a an email I received from my Zimbabwean friend, Ru. She is a Med. student here in Kiev and lives in a dorm with many other foreigners... in this beautiful troubled country i live they have a problem, technically they have many but what country doesn't right? but (Saturday) in Kiev there is this big protest march,"this tis is a problem because..? " u ask...its a white supremacy/neo Nazi (oh how fast people and children forget what it was like during the war) march...freedom of speech and all of that withstanding...these marches here undoubtedly end up in a "lets hurt some foreigners" rampage in the same fashion as an old school mob hunt, and there in lies the problem. 2 weeks ago, the same thing happened and they stabbed 3 Chinese girls and killed a boy/man from one in the world hears about these things...its one of Ukraine's many secrets.People here, foreigners included don't know about it...Ukrainians who don't have foreign friends they care about don't know about it.Its frustrating because i don't know what the solution to these kinda things is.There is a solution for sure, coz like my mama says where there is problem there is a solution, if there is no solution then there is no problem..i just don't know know what it is ...yet :)

So anyway,it just makes my soul i don't know...pray for us here and the country and these misguided,blind,ignorant basically lost people

if u want to check out their website about the march its :

ok...and im done with my little rant and rave, i just had to get it out there...


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